
How To (correctly) Guess Someone’s Age EVERY TIME

Party Tricks, Revealed, Stage Magic, Tutorial

Everyone has tried to guess someone’s age before. But if you’re a magician and you’re in a show, guessing someone’s age incorrectly will discredit your skills in front of your audience. If, however, you memorize this math-based trick, you will actually be able to tell anyone their age. All you need for this age guesser trick is a calculator.

To help people see your calculator, try to get one with big buttons and a big screen. That’s really for their benefit, not yours! You might even decide to show the calculator through a projector screen if you’re performing this in front of a large crowd.

How It Works: Methods to Guess Someone’s Age Correctly

There are many ways you can perform the ‘guess her age’ challenge. The secret is that you are not guessing at all. In this article, we will go over a few methods, including the famous math-based trick. To the participant, it appears that you are performing a magic trick. But all you need to do is memorize these instructions and practice. The math is proven to work every time. Make sure to give clear instructions so you can get their birth month and year (without them realizing, of course).

1. Guess Someone’s Age Using a Selected Number

The first way to perform the age guess magic trick is through deduction with a selected number. You can perform this trick with a friend or stranger. Ask the participant to choose a number between one and ten. Once they have a number in mind, have them announce it. Let’s say they chose the number 7. Pause to tell them that you’re sorry, and you didn’t realize the math might be too hard for them, so you’ll get them a calculator.

Multiply the number they have chosen by two (e.g. 7 x 2 = 14). You can choose to do this math by hand or have a friend use a calculator to do the rest of the trick. Tell them that they must push the equals button on the calculator for every instruction you give.

Second, walk them through selecting their number and multiplying it by two again on the calculator. This is a great opportunity to build some humor into the act. Continue this humor by asking them to get ready for some big math before telling them to add 5 to their current value (14 + 5 = 19).

Then, move into the big math. Ask them to multiply the current number by 50 (19 x 50 = 950). Ask the participant if they have already celebrated their birthday this year. Did their birthday pass already? If so, you will add 1,769 to the prior result (e.g. 950 + 1,769 = 2,719). If not, then add 1,768 to the prior result (e.g. 950 + 1,768 = 2,718).

This number changes yearly, so here is a chart to reference:

2019: +1768 or +1769

2020: +1769 or +1770

2021: +1770 or +1771

2022: +1771 or +1772

After they add this number in, tell them not to say it out loud, but to subtract their birth year. Then, say “That’s it!” They’ll be confused because they will have a three-digit number far too large to be their age. You can act confused as well, and take the calculator from them.

Have them subtract the year they were born from these numbers without you looking (e.g. 2,718 – 1989 = 729). Look at the final answer. The first digit in place will be the original chosen number from the participant. The last two numbers will be the person’s age. So, the participant here would be 29 years old.

Put on a show sharing this information with the audience, and you’ve successfully guessed both their age and the number they chose at the start of the trick without hurting any feelings. At the end of it, people will think you are a mind reader. All it took was some simple math!

2. Guess Someone’s Age Using a Calculator

The second way to perform the age guessing game is by using a calculator. While the participant may need a calculator to perform the first act, this method is quite different. Start by asking the participant to multiply the first digit of their age by five. Let’s say that they are twenty years old (e.g. 2 x 5 = 10). Now, tell them to add three (e.g. 10 + 3 = 13). Have them double the resulting number (e.g. 13 x 2 = 26).

Now, have them add the second digit of their age to the resulting number (e.g. 26 + 0 = 26). Tell them to subtract six. This will be their current age (e.g. 26 – 6 = 20).

3. Guess Someone’s Birth Month and Date with a Calculator

Did you know that you can also use a calculator to deduce someone’s date and month of birth? This is a fun way to take the let’s ‘guess your age’ magic trick up a notch.

Start by entering the number seven in the calculator. Then, have the participant multiply the number seven by their birth month. Let’s say their birth month is May (e.g. 7 x 5 = 35). Remember not to look at the calculator. You don’t want the person (or audience) to think that you are cheating.

Now, subtract one from that number (e.g. 35 – 1 = 34). Multiply the resulting number by thirteen (e.g. 34 x 13 = 442). Have them add the day of their birth (e.g. 442 + 28 = 470) and then add three (470 + 3 = 437). Multiply the new number by eleven (437 x 11 = 5,203). Subtract the month of their birth (5,203 – 5 = 5,198).

Now, subtract the day of their birth (5,198 – 28 = 5,170) and divide by ten (5,170 / 10 = 517). Add eleven (517 + 11 = 528). Divide by 100 (528b / 100 = 5.28). The first digit before the decimal is their birth month (5 = May). The two digits after the decimal point is their birth day (28 = birth day).

Have you Heard About the Artificial Intelligence Age Guesser?

Nowadays, the sophistication of technology is moving at a surprisingly rapid rate. You may have heard that a few years ago, Amazon and Microsoft both released an artificial intelligence picture age guesser. You choose to either upload a picture of yourself or take a selfie. The device scans your photo and through face detection, assesses your age. We wondered how accurate the age guesser is. So naturally, we had to try it out for ourselves.

After reading multiple reviews and experimenting with the software ourselves, we did not find it to be accurate. The software will make different estimates for your age based upon nuances like your facial expression and the angle from which the photo was taken. For magicians, we would stick with the math-based age guesser tricks to accurately gauge someone’s age. Don’t try to take a shortcut and use image software first.

Brush Up on Your Math Skills and Memorize these Formulas

We get that math is not everyone’s strong suit. That is why we are so excited to share these formulas. All you need to do is practice and use a standard calculator to perform this age guessing trick accurately. Make sure to memorize the formulas before you try it out on a stranger or perform in front of a small audience. With repetition and dedication, you are on your way to becoming a good magician.

Watch it in action!

Watch the same magic trick you learned above, and see how it works on you!

What Is Covert Hypnosis? Discover The 4 Stage Covert Hypnosis Formula

Learn Magic, Revealed

What Is Covert Hypnosis?

Covert hypnosis is the attempt to communicate with a person’s unconscious mind without them knowing that they are being hypnotized. Because it is attempted without the subject knowing, usually during regular conversation, it is called covert hypnosis.

Much like a covert mission James Bond would embark on, covert hypnosis is a stealthy way to hypnotize someone. There are a few different definitions of covert hypnosis that approach different perspectives and angles.

Definitions of Covert Hypnosis

one woman in writing down on a clipboard and talking about covert hypnosis to another woman

According to Covert Hypnosis Revealed, “Covert hypnosis gives you the scientific breakthrough and ultimate power to covertly control minds, change behaviors and hypnotically make anyone eager to fulfill your every desire, without them ever knowing it.”

According to the questionable people-driven Wikipedia, covert hypnosis is “an attempt to communicate with another person’s unconscious mind without informing the subject that they will be hypnotized.”

According to the site Conversational Hypnosis Techniques, “Conversational (or covert) hypnosis means getting whatever information from someone by using hypnosis system tools while the participant is awake. It is a very powerful and controlling tool used to influence people without them deliberately being aware of it.”

Hypnosis Unlocked defines covert hypnosis as “a form of mind manipulation also known as conversational hypnosis or sleight of mouth. The whole point is to communicate with someone’s unconscious mind without that particular person taking notice.”

However you define it, covert hypnosis simply means to hypnotize someone covertly. The subject of the hypnosis is not aware that you are trying to hypnotize them.

Covert hypnosis is about changing people’s thoughts and behaviors intentionally without them knowing.

Why Use Covert Hypnosis?

man in a state of covert hypnosis

People use covert or conversational hypnosis for many different reasons. We hope that people who use this learnable skill use it to manifest positive intentions. However, there are always those extreme cases of negative (take Hitler for example) that stand out as an exception to the good-intention guideline.

Our hope rests on those who learn or are interested in learning how to do covert hypnosis. We hope that they use it to possess abundance and goodness in their lives and everyone else’s.

Covert hypnosis is considered an art form and a stealthy but effective way to mind-control someone. Some learn conversational hypnosis to simply impress friends and family. Also, others learn covert hypnosis to produce certain results in their life, like money and riches. Meanwhile, others use it to entice a certain person into their life or to create certain advantages for themselves.

Covert hypnosis is a sure-proof way to get what you want, that is for sure.

Where Does Covert Hypnosis Come From?

There are a few men who can be given credit for bringing hypnosis and medicinal hypnotism into the world. These men are James Braid and Milton Erickson.

Milton Erickson

B&W photo of Milton Erickson in front of microphone

Covert Hypnosis and hypnosis in general is said to be the seedling of the wise Dr. Milton Erickson. Dr. Milton Erickson put an extensive amount of time and hard work into medicinal hypnosis, the hypnosis industry and using hypnosis as a means for family and self-therapy.

Erickson became the founding president of the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis and an associate of the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, and the American Psychopathological Association. Further, he has written widely popular and used books such as The Nature of Hypnosis and Suggestion, Hypnotic Realities and Healing in Hypnosis.

Milton Erickson influenced some of the leading pioneers to trek the hypnotic field and paved the way for modern day hypnosis and hypnotic techniques. Also, Milton Erickson would overcome his dyslexia by having experience he described as “flashes of light” and “creative moments.” Further, this breakthrough would later be named as spontaneous autohypnotic trances. This would help shape Erickson’s life and life work.

Erickson’s autohypnotic trance experience

According to his biography, Erickson became paralyzed after contracting polio disease. One night, during the peak of the disease’s strike, Erickson experienced an autohypnotic trance that would become the turning point in his life and career.

Then, as he lay in bed after this experience, Erickson said:

“I saw that vast sunset covering the whole sky. But I know there was also a tree there outside the window, but I blocked it out…I saw all the sunset, but I didn’t see the fence and large boulder that were there. I blocked out everything except the sunset.”

This seemingly meaningless journal entry became the stepping stone for Erickson’s fascination to the significance of non-verbal communication. Determined to push his doctor’s bounds and his own personal bounds, Erickson continued to improve every day.

He took himself on a thousand-mile canoe trip with just a few bucks to his name. Then, when he was done with this journey, he was able to walk unbelievably with the help of a cane. This series of events directed Erickson to leave his career as a farmer. Then, he pursued the life of a doctor, with an intense plunge into the domains of psychiatry and psychology.

His will of using his own experiences proved the power of the unconscious mind. Moreover, Erickson’s ability later became the foundation for hypnosis and art of hypnotization. 

James Braid

sketch of James Braid

James Braid is a key player in the world of hypnotism and its influences in the world today. He is often called the “Father of Hypnosis.” Also, he plays just as important a role as Milton Erickson in modern hypnotism.

He coined the word “hypnosis” himself and brought the taboo world of mesmerism. Further, he produced valuable insights to allow the art and world to come out of the dark shadows.

Braid dove deep into his fascinations with eye fixations, mesmerizing, and the mind’s ability to focus (or not focus). Also, he became entranced with the fact that mesmerized subjects were not able to open their eyes and that eye fixation or attention was crucial to mesmerism. Then, he began practicing on friends, family, and anyone that would allow him.

He found that he was able to induce trance-like states. Braid realized that individuals must focus their attention on a variety of illuminated objects. For instance, flames or small mirrors that are held in close distance to the faces of the subjects.

Braid discovered that prolonged fixation of the eyes brought an entranced-like state to the subject and that certain nervous disorders could be treated while in a state of nervous sleep. He called this state of nervous sleep “neurohypnostism,” adapted from the Greek word “Hypnos,” which gladly sunk into the term “hypnosis.”

He continued to enhance his findings medically. He healed those with long-term illnesses, mobility issues, and sensory-deprived states. Then, his observations and findings from the middle of the nineteenth century are fundamental to the art. And quite frankly, the word hypnosis today.

4 Stage Covert Hypnosis Formula

There are four main steps or guidelines to follow when learning to use covert or conversational hypnosis. Of course, you must take into consideration your skill level, technique, and patience before you dive headfirst into the world of covert hypnosis.

There are many different factors and techniques, but the steps listed below are the basic phases to assume when attempting to use covert hypnosis. Moreover, these four steps were created and founded by James Braid in the 1800’s.

1. Absorb Attention

Rapid Learning Concept

The first step to take when attempting to use covert hypnosis is to absorb the subject’s attention. This simply means using intense concentration and proficiency in the art of drawing your subject into you in a way that they are free from any external distractions.

The goal is to absorb the person’s attention so that you can fully receive their undivided attention. Further, you can do this by asking or telling them something that will pique their interests or use more indirect and skilled methods of absorbing their attention.

2. Bypass the Critical Factor

The second step of achieving covert hypnosis is to bypass the critical factor. Its critical factor is the part of your mind that tells you “this is not possible – this cannot happen.” Also, the main reason hypnosis does not work is formed in resistance to the critical factor. Moreover, there are various ways and methods on getting the critical factor and it is different for every case.

3. Activate an Unconscious Response

emotional eye of a woman

After you bypass the critical factor(s), the next step is to activate an unconscious response from your subject. If you can successfully receive an unconscious response of any kind with your subject, you have achieved getting your subject into a hypnotic state.

There are different kinds of unconscious responses including an emotional response.

 If you are not successful in attempting to activate an unconscious response, you have no subject to work with. Therefore, you have nothing to attain the desired result.

4. Lead the Unconscious to Desired Outcome  

The final step of achieving covert hypnosis is the art of leading the subconscious mind to the desired outcome. If you have your subject in a hypnotic state, you can then begin to use hypnotic techniques and methods to lead their unconscious mind to a certain outcome. Using suggestions and keywords to achieve the desired effects can help.

Concluding Covert Hypnosis

We hope that after reading this article, you feel more comfortable on the subject of covert hypnosis. Covert hypnosis is the attempt to communicate with a person’s unconscious mind without them knowing that they are being hypnotized. Moreover, it is achieved by a formula of four steps and using methods and hypnotic techniques.

Finally, be sure to be educated, informed, and well-intended when planning to use covert hypnosis!

David Copperfield Statue Of Liberty Explained: How Did He Do It?


The David Copperfield Statue of Liberty disappearing act was David Copperfield's best trick by far. During a live TV event in April 1983, the illusion included an audience sitting on Liberty Island, facing the Statue of Liberty.

After Copperfield raises a sheet to reveal the statue, the statue seems to be gone. To prove to the target audience that the statue is not there, a helicopter soars above, while searchlights move throughout the area.

Copperfield remarked that the use of the illusion was emphasizing the benefits of independence and how precious liberty is – and also how easily it could be lost. Copperfield said he could show with magic the way in which we take the freedom for granted. Below, we detail more about the David Copperfield Statue of Liberty disappearing trick.

David Copperfield Statue of Liberty – Making It Disappear

David Copperfield (left) and Statue of Liberty (right)

In order to successfully pull off this trick, Copperfield had a setup of 2 towers onstage, supporting an arch to hold the big curtain used for concealing the statue. The TV cameras, as well as the live audience, were only able to see the monument through the arch.

When the curtains shut, David waxed poetic while the platform was gradually yet imperceptibly turned.

As soon as the curtains opened, the statue was hidden behind one of the towers, as well as having the onlookers misdirected to look out to the sea. Voila! The famed monument had disappeared from sight.

Whether or not it had not totally hidden the statue, the towers had been so brightly lit that the everyone watching would be night-blinded.

Copperfield had also set up 2 rings of lights, one around Liberty and an additional set up elsewhere. As the trick "happened," Copperfield’s assistants just switched off the lights around the statue and switched on the additional set for the helicopters to circle around.

Copperfield’s Most Memorable Illusions

David Copperfield has been entertaining and surprising audiences with brilliant illusions he has crafted for years. Below, we’ve taken a glimpse at his best stunts, from making it out alive from Niagara Falls to walking through the Great Wall of China.

Without further ado, get ready to be amazed by some of Copperfield's best illusions.

Surviving Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls

During a 1990 TV special, Copperfield had his arms & legs chained, as well as being restrained while sitting in a raft. With a fire blazing below him, Copperfield was dropped into the tide above Niagara Falls.

In this amazing stunt, the magician had under sixty seconds to free himself, before dropping over the lip of the rapids. While his raft does go over, we see him alive and well a second later, hanging from a rope attached to a helicopter.

Walking Through The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China

In a 1986 TV very special, Copperfield seems to go in the Great Wall of China, walking into one wall and out the other side a couple of minutes later on.

As crowds on each side of the wall view David’s silhouette inside of a lighted box, he seems to go through the wall seamlessly.

He then comes out of the opposite side of the wall. The market, able to hear his heartbeat with a heart monitor – are privy to it flatlining just before he emerges.

Escaping From Alcatraz

In 1987, David made his way to San Francisco to attempt to escape from Alcatraz, the former maximum-security federal penitentiary once deemed to be probably the most impenetrable prison on the planet.


With dramatic music playing, he appears behind bars within 2 minutes and thirty seconds until the very first detonation.

Following his escape from a straitjacket, he turns 3 coins into a device to take the lock of a cell door, conjures a cat from a package to distract the dogs guarding the area, and makes his escape via helicopter, using a police uniform, while nursing his feline companion.


girl flying

Copperfield shared that as a kid, he was lonely and quite often dreamed of flying. Although he's ‘flown’ above stages in numerous live shows, he initially did so in his 1992 TV special.

He starts off by having a bird land on him, marveling at its capability to take flight. He then takes flight himself, moving gracefully throughout the air, as well as making assistants spin large hoops around him. Wish to spoil the illusion?

Copperfield "flies" by wearing very strong cables that are actually managed by a personal computer, and are too thin to be noticeable.


a man doing teleportation

Called "Portal," this illusion is a mish-mash of his famed techniques - arbitrary audience participation, Polaroid photographs, an emotional father-son reunion, a beach in Hawaii, and teleportation.

Accompanied by someone from the audience, Copperfield disappears from a platform and quickly seems to be on a beach in Hawaii.

Floating Over The Grand Canyon

a boat crashing at the grand canyon

Copperfield got serenaded by singer Bonnie Tyler as he floated across Arizona’s Grand Canyon during this famous 1984 stunt.

During this illusion, Copperfield is seen levitating through various sculptures prior to floating across the huge chasm. The stunt concludes with Copperfield back on land, embracing Tyler.

David Copperfield Biography

By age sixteen, David Copperfield was teaching a training course in magic at New York Faculty. He went on to do his magic feats for more than 500 times a year.

As per Forbes magazine, Copperfield earned fifty-seven million dollars in merchandise as well as tour revenue in 2005. By 2012, Copperfield’s net worth ballooned to an estimated $150 million.

Over a lengthy and marvelous career, Copperfield has received twenty-one Emmy Awards, plus opened the Library and Museum of the Conjuring Arts (Las Vegas, Nevada).

Original Career and Life

Born David Seth Kotkin on September sixteen, Jersey, in Metuchen, 1956, David Copperfield is classed among the world's most prominent magicians, and of course one of the world’s wealthiest entertainers.

Copperfield got his exciting start with his magical talents at the age of twelve, when he became probably the youngest person to get admission into the Society of American Magicians.

By age sixteen, he was teaching a magic training course at New York University and as David Copperfield, getting the name from a Charles Dickens novel. Following a short stint at Fordham Faculty, Copperfield was cast as the lead in the Chicago musical The Magic Man.

Famed Magician and TV Personality

After The Magic Man turned out to be a success, Copperfield got a job as a host of an ABC special, wherein Copperfield progressed into a profitable career. He went on to do his magic feats for more than 500 times a year.

Over the lengthy career of his, Copperfield has earned twenty-one Emmy Awards, been given the title ‘Magician of the Century’ as well as receiving the very first star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame given to a living magician, as well as received the prestigious U.S. Library of Congress' Living Legend Award.

As well as these coveted accolades, Copperfield received knightship by the French government, an honor bestowed upon him that no magician had yet to receive, including getting the Chevalier of Letters and arts.

Some Other Projects

In 1982, Copperfield established Project Magic, a rehabilitation program which makes use of sleight-of-hand secret as a technique of physical therapy.

The system is actually accredited by the American Occupational Therapy Association and is can be found to be applied in clinics across the world.

Copperfield additionally opened the International Museum and Library of the Conjuring Arts in Las Vegas, Nevada, which is actually focused on keeping the art of magic intact, as well as having the world's largest collection of magical artifacts.

David Copperfield was famously interested in supermodel Claudia Schiffer in the late 1990s, though the couple parted ways before the wedding.

David Copperfield Statue of LibertyHis Greatest Trick

Making the Statue of Liberty disappear is a benchmark magic trick so impressive in its concept that it was deemed almost inconceivable to anyone.

Now you know, with a little sleight of hand, David Copperfield was able to pull off one of the greatest tricks of this century!

How To Bend A Spoon With Your Mind (REVEALED)

Revealed, Tutorial

The ability to bend a spoon with your mind is a staple for magicians and illusionists, and learning to do this skill seamlessly will always enhance a performance.

Since this is such a popular trick, there are various ways of doing it.

Let’s walk through two different ways to do this trick.

Choose which method fits you best according to your magic preferences.

Method #1: It’s Already Bent!

One way to do this trick is to have two, separate pieces prepared.

You need a spoon that is already bent and a straight stem that is separate from this spoon. You will be relying on sleight of hand and angles to complete the illusion.

spoon is already bent

When you begin the trick, you will have the already bent spoon in your hand, and you will position your fingers to hide its stem from view.

The straight stem will be held as if it is coming out of the spoon, giving the illusion that the spoon is straight.

When you’re ready to bend the spoon, you should slowly release your grip on the straight stem.

Doing so will allow it to fall gradually down to rest on top of the spoon’s already bent stem that is hidden. Once you complete the bending, keep the straight, separate stem hidden in your hand as you pull the pre-bent spoon out by the bowl and draw the audience’s attention to it.

Viola! You’ve bent the spoon.

Method #2: Cut It Up

Another way to complete this illusion is to not just bend the spoon with your mind, but to totally break it!

To do this trick, you will need a pre-cut spoon that has been cut almost the whole way through.

Pick up this spoon. Show it to the audience, and let them know that you are going to focus your energy on it as hard as you can.

Be sure to be holding the spoon between two fingers on the break so that it seems to be in one piece.

While you seem to be concentrating your energy, you will really be snapping the spoon along the cut. Squeeze tightly so that neither piece slips.

spoon is cut in two pieces

Then, begin bending the spoon.

Hold the spoon horizontally so that the audience can get a good look at it, and keep pressure along the break point.

Gradually release this pressure so that each side will begin tilting towards the ground. Once you release enough pressure, the pieces will fall apart showing that you have cut the spoon with your mind.

Who knew breaking a spoon was so easy? With these two techniques, you’ll be able to show both fan and skeptic alike your ability to bend or break a spoon.

Perfect both styles to add the greatest versatility to your magic repertoire.

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How Do Magicians Burn Paper Into Money?

Party Tricks, Performance, Revealed, Stage Magic

Magic is always more interesting when money is involved. And one of the greatest tricks involving money is the one where a magician will burn an ordinary piece of paper and transform it into money.

To do the trick yourself, all you need is a piece of paper, a candle, a match, and a table to perform the act on.

What does the trick look like?

It all starts with the magician showing you this ordinary white piece of paper.

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Then he shows you that he has nothing else in his hands.

After laying the piece of paper on the table, he picks up a box of matches and pulls one out.

He uses it to light a candle on the table next to him.

He crumples the paper up and sets it on fire with the flame of the candle.

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A big flash and it looks like the paper is gone.

Then he begins to unfold the paper, as he unfolds the paper it looks like the white piece of paper has turned into a hundred dollar bill.

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The crowd erupts with applause.

How is it done?

The key to this trick is the white paper and the matchbox.

The matchbox, at the beginning of the act, is sitting open on the table.

Before he begins the trick he places a crumpled hundred dollar bill into the back of the open matchbox.

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It is completely concealed because when the matchbox is open there is an empty space back there.

After get gets a match out to light, he closes the box.

The act of closing a box pushes the hundred dollar bill into his hand.

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Your attention is on him lighting the match. Once the candle is lit, he takes that white piece of paper and seemingly crumples it into a ball.

What he is actually doing is crumpling it around the hundred dollar bill.

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The white paper is no ordinary piece of paper.

It is a piece of spark paper, created to burn instantly and put off a flashy flame. When he sets it ablaze it does its job perfectly.

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It is burned away, so when he looks like he is unfolding the paper, he is really just revealing the hundred dollar bill hidden underneath.

Watch the entire trick and learn how it works

Every magician should start this trick with one of those do not try at home disclaimers, because who would not want to take a piece of paper and turn it into money?

This is a great trick and really popular among street performers.

It is more about drawing your attention away from what is really going on.

It seems so simple, yet it takes some pretty inventive techniques to pull off.