
Penn & Teller Reveals How to Saw a Woman in Half, and then ACTUALLY Saws Her in Half

Penn & Teller, Performance, Revealed, Stage Magic

The classic age old trick of sawing someone in half. It’s been around for as long as stage magic has been around. A woman lies down in a box with only her feet and head sticking out on both ends. The magician then saws the board in half, and then splits them apart.

To the untrained eye, it appears that the woman is sawed in half. However, Penn & Teller reveals that this is a really straight out-of-the-box trick that anybody can do. All they need to do is order the entire stage setup from a magic dealer.

Wait there’s more

In this video, Penn & Teller reveals how the trick is done, but then goes further and actually saws her in half! Now, that one will require some more thinking.

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David Blaine Teaches a Card Trick to the Staff at Esquire

David Blaine, Performance, Tutorial

David Blaine is known for a lot of street magic where he shows card tricks to bystanders. This time, he performs a card trick to the editors at Esquire Magazine. At the end of the trick, he explains how it’s done. It’s pretty brilliant.

This shows that even world class magicians like David Blaine performs easy-to-perform tricks like this one. The only difference is that he is able to communicate and build up the trick in his own unique way to make the effect even more spectacular.

Like most street magic tricks, the art is in the way you communicate the trick to fool their minds rather than the actual trick itself.